English Present Tenses 5.0
Notes on all English present tenses, as well as practice and quizactivities
English Phrasal Verbs Spring at hand
English Phrasal Verbs: notes, 10 practice and quiz activities
Quiz on ability, Permission, certainty, probability, advice andother functions.
Pronunciation Poem 3.0
A Poem to master English pronunciation
English Articles : a, an, the Dedication
English Articles : Detailed grammatical notes, practice and quizActivities
English Collocations Cold Winter
Practice English collocations for B and C levels and test yourselfon them.
English Future Tenses Spring
Future Tenses: detailed notes, interactive practice and quizzes
Do, to do or doing? That's the question!
Conditional sentences Type 0,1, 2, and 3: Notes, Practice and QuizActivities.
English Modal Verbs Devotion
Offline Notes on English MODALS, PRACTICE and QUIZ activities.
Detailed notes on English Relative Pronouns, Practice, and Quizactivities.
3 in 1: Notes, Practice and Quiz on English Linking Words andCohesive Devices.
English Prepositions Spring
A solution to problems with English prepositions, with notes,practice, quiz .
English Verb Tenses 2021-Determination
12 English Verb Tenses: Rules, Usage, Examples, PracticeActivities, and Quizzes
English Past Tenses Cold Winter
All about Past Tenses: notes with examples, practice and quizactivities
Spell It 2.0
Vocabulary game for beginners. Hear it, Spell it and check yourperformance!
English Question Tags Hope
Meet and Practice English Question Tags
English Pronouns Dedication
Notes, practice and quiz activities on all types of Englishpronouns
Pronunciation Assistant 1.1
In English, the spelling of an English word does not always tellyouhow to pronounce or read this word and the same English letterorcombinations of letters can be pronounced and read differentlyindifferent words. This is really challenging for non-nativelearners.But if you can read phonetic transcription, you’ll beable topronounce any English word correctly without listening toits audiopronunciation. This app offers you two activities: Thefirst, helpsyou get familiar with a widely used transcriptionsystem (the Oxfordvariation of International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA)) and the symbolsit uses. The second activity helps youpractice pronouncing words ortexts of your choice which you mayfind difficult to pronounce. Theapp, of course, relies on thetext-to-speech engine present in yourAndroid devices. If yourdevice's language is English, you won'tneed anything to use it. ifnot, then it may need to download somedata from a googlerepository when you run it for the first time.But, Once you launchthe app for the second time, it will need nointernet connection.Just like all the apps I distribute on Google'splay store, andjudging by the results I get with my students whouse it, I am sureit will help you improve your English. Remember,Practice is thekey to pronouncing words correctly.
Meet USA 2.0
Americans, American culture and the states that make up USA.
Passive Sentences 3.0
Passive sentences in English grammar and passive verb forms
English Talk Quantity 3.0
Practice: Some, Any, Much, many, a lot of, lots of, Few , Littleand others
English Word Formation
This offers grammatical notes about word formation, practiceandquiz activities
English Level Test Summer
Valid Reliable Offline English Grammar Level tests
English Vocabulary Practice Summer
Vocabulary practice activities
English Conjugation 4.0
Simple intuitive app that conjugates about 1000 verbs intoallEnglish tenses
English Reported Speech 3.0
Notes, practice and quiz activities related to Reported SpeechinEnglish
Vocabulary Size Test 1.0
Vocabulary test to measure how many of the 14,000 mostfrequentwords you know